Why Give Ourselves Cognitive Enhancement and Moral Maturation

Why Give Ourselves Cognitive Enhancement and Moral Maturation
Should we all become super genius Buddhas?

Assuming we don't arrive at a transformative AI first, one that is capable of human-level intelligence and increasing its intelligence indefinitely, our goal should be to both cognitively enhance and instill moral maturation in ourselves. Profound cognitive enhancement would allow us to all become super geniuses, working collectively together on the world's most pressing problems, principally by aligning AI to avoid existential risk. Moral maturation would be critical in aligning ourselves with each other so we can achieve world peace (or at least achieve more global stability) and also evolve our ethical frameworks not only in our own lives but also in developing AI with the best possible moral intuition we're capable of.

What does Cognitive Enhancement and Moral Maturation Look Like

Cognitive enhancement can be thought of as making us all into geniuses, but specifically with a highly developed sense of reasoning. This genius capacity for reasoning would enable us to problem-solve at unprecedented collective levels. If Isaac Newton had had millions or even billions of clones of himself, he could have well created a benevolent superintelligent AI within his lifetime (or perhaps collectively chosen not to by being able to forecast too great the existential risks). Our population and society are nowhere near that level of intelligence, so creating a superintelligent AI will necessarily take longer and almost certainly be inevitable, as there appears to be so much to gain from wielding the most capable AI possible and our forecasting abilities remain poor at best.

Moral maturation on the other hand could have a few potential characteristics: a highly developed collective empathy and compassion (not just for one's loved ones, but for all humans), integrity, humility, and the ability to acknowledge their limitations or when they're wrong, and a deep sense of justice or fairness. These traits are far from inclusive, but provide a launching point from which to consider how we would go about designing ourselves.

What are Our Options for Achieving This

Simply put, we would ask AI to generate its own optimal cognitive enhancement and moral maturation protocol, as it already has a deep capacity for reasoning that will only grow deeper. For example, asking Claude AI what the optimal ethical framework is for a transformative AI already gives us a flexible, well-reasoned response:

At its foundation, I believe the framework should incorporate:

A sophisticated form of preference consequentialism that considers both immediate and long-term effects on human wellbeing, while being deeply attentive to human values and preferences. However, this shouldn't be a simplistic utility maximization - it needs to account for complex values that can't be easily quantified.

Strong deontological constraints as guardrails - certain actions should be ruled out regardless of consequences (like deception or coercion). These constraints help prevent the system from justifying harmful means to supposedly beneficial ends.

Virtue ethics principles focusing on developing and maintaining beneficial traits like truthfulness, benevolence, and prudence. This helps create stable behavioral patterns rather than just calculating each action in isolation.

Care ethics emphasizing the importance of relationships, context, and genuine concern for human flourishing rather than just abstract principles.

Assuming we get to a point where our AI systems are good enough, this would likely generate far better enhancement protocols than humans alone can devise. AI could become our superior intelligence and ethics advisor.

The next step is a bit trickier, actually implementing cognitive enhancement and moral maturation in all humans. Tricky because of ethical issues in determining who would opt-in (remember, we want to democratize this technology, but not everyone will be willing to adopt it), and even trickier, the method by which it's implemented.

In my About page, I cite four paths that I loosely borrowed from David Pearce for going about this: AI, neurotechnology, biotechnology, and designer drugs, or rather some combination, all of which will likely include AI.

Designer Drugs

AI could certainly assist in creating smarter and more moral drugs for us, but drugs still resemble a far cry away from implementing the kind of revolutionary and lasting mind changes that I'm talking about as they would require continuous use and be up against our brain's tendency toward a stable equilibrium and consequences such as withdrawal from discontinued use. The following are some of the challenges to consider and the timespans involved.

The temporal stability question looms large - how might we develop compounds that create lasting positive changes without triggering the brain's homeostatic mechanisms? The neural systems governing cognition and moral reasoning have evolved sophisticated regulatory processes that tend to resist permanent alterations.

Safety validation represents another critical consideration. The development of any cognitive enhancement would require extensive testing to understand:

  • Long-term neurological impacts and potential for unintended cognitive or behavioral changes
  • Interactions with individual genetic and neurological variations
  • Effects on personality stability and authentic agency
  • Impacts on memory formation and emotional processing

From an AI development perspective, key challenges include:

  • The translation gap between in silico predictions and biological reality
  • The need for extensive validation of AI-generated molecular designs
  • Understanding how compounds might affect the integrated nature of cognition and moral reasoning
  • The requirement for careful safety protocols in development and testing

Given that the complete development of an FDA drug lifecycle typically spans 10-15 years, this proves to be a significant time challenge to overcome. AI could reduce the discovery and development phase by anywhere from 1-5 years, but that still leaves at least a 10-year process by which we can create and distribute a new generation of smart drugs, which is also assuming that society at large is in favor of using "medication" for enhancement, rather than simply treating some medical issue.


Biotechnology is a more effective avenue than drugs, but the current outlook for the precision to be able to accomplish safe gene editing in adults seems a bit far off, even with AI assistance. The challenge of adult gene editing reveals itself as a multi-layered tapestry of biological complexity, where each thread represents a distinct yet interconnected obstacle we must navigate. At its foundation, we encounter the fundamental problem of delivery - our bodies, in their evolved wisdom, have established sophisticated defensive barriers that, while protecting us from harm, also resist our therapeutic ambitions. This creates a paradox where the very mechanisms that ensure our survival become impediments to our healing interventions.

This challenge deepens when we consider the nature of cellular development. Unlike the malleable canvas of embryonic cells, adult cells exist in a state of established identity, having developed intricate regulatory frameworks that resist change. This biological conservatism, though frustrating to our interventional aspirations, represents a fundamental aspect of physiological stability.

The question of precision emerges as equally vital, particularly in the context of tools like CRISPR-Cas9. While these technologies represent remarkable achievements in genetic engineering, their application in the complex ecosystem of adult organisms introduces uncertainties that extend beyond mere technical considerations. The challenge of achieving consistent modifications across diverse cellular landscapes, while avoiding unintended consequences, speaks to the profound interconnectedness of biological systems.

This complexity manifests further in the phenomenon of cellular mosaicism and immune response. The coexistence of modified and unmodified cells creates a biological heterogeneity whose implications we're only beginning to understand. Meanwhile, the immune system, ever vigilant, introduces additional layers of complexity, potentially viewing our therapeutic interventions as threats to be eliminated.

The scale of intervention required varies dramatically across different conditions, ranging from targeted modifications of specific tissues to comprehensive genetic alterations across multiple cellular domains. This variance in scope presents not just a technical challenge, but a fundamental question about the nature and limits of genetic intervention in established biological systems. This becomes much simpler at the embryonic level but potentially much more time on the order of generations of humans to resolve.


Neurotechnology, however, represents yet another avenue for transforming our minds. Let's examine some potential technologies in this domain.

The landscape of neurotechnology presents us with fascinating possibilities for expanding human cognitive horizons. Consider first the realm of non-invasive brain stimulation technologies: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) represent early steps toward modulating neural activity. AI could potentially optimize these interventions by identifying ideal stimulation patterns tailored to individual brain architectures and cognitive goals.

Advanced neuroimaging techniques, enhanced by artificial intelligence, might allow for unprecedented understanding of neural dynamics in real-time. This could enable the development of neurofeedback systems that help individuals cultivate specific cognitive states or abilities through a process of guided neuroplasticity. The key insight here is that by making brain activity patterns visible and manipulable, we might unlock natural capacities for self-directed neural optimization.

The emergence of smart neural prosthetics presents another intriguing frontier. These devices, guided by sophisticated AI algorithms, could potentially enhance memory formation, accelerate learning, or even augment specific cognitive functions. The critical distinction here lies in their ability to work with, rather than replace, natural neural processes.

Optogenetic technologies, while currently primarily research tools, suggest possibilities for precise neural modulation. AI could help develop more sophisticated targeting mechanisms, allowing for careful enhancement of specific neural circuits while minimizing unintended effects on other brain functions.

The most likely to have the kind of revolutionary transformation I'm getting at seems to come in the form of brain computer interfaces (BCIs). BCIs are well underway in companies such as Neuralink and Synchron, which have already demonstrated the ability to control computers with thoughts. Taking this a few steps further, the natural progression would be to merge AI with human minds. Hybridizing the human mind with the most capable AI could be so powerful that it might create the risky superintelligence that we are trying to put on hold until our certainty levels are satisfied to avoid existential risks. However, there are still many challenges to face in developing lasting BCI enhancement.

The fundamental challenge lies in the extraordinary complexity of neural integration. Our brains operate through impossibly delicate networks of biological computation, each synapse and neural pathway representing years of evolutionary refinement. Creating interfaces that can meaningfully engage with this biological symphony without disrupting its essential harmonies presents a formidable technical challenge.

The question of neural plasticity emerges as particularly crucial. While our brains demonstrate remarkable adaptability, the introduction of artificial interfaces must navigate the delicate balance between enhancing natural processes and potentially disrupting the brain's inherent capacity for self-organization. This raises deep questions about the nature of cognitive enhancement itself - how might we distinguish between genuine improvement and mere alteration of established neural patterns?

The interface challenge manifests across multiple dimensions:

  • The biological interface must achieve stable, long-term integration with neural tissue while minimizing inflammatory responses and maintaining consistent signal quality. The brain's natural defensive mechanisms, while essential for our survival, present significant obstacles to permanent technological integration.
  • Signal interpretation represents another profound challenge. Even if we can establish stable physical connections, translating the brain's complex electrochemical language into meaningful digital signals - and vice versa - requires unprecedented levels of computational sophistication. The neural code, despite decades of research, still holds many mysteries.
  • Crucially, the development of BCIs for enhancement purposes must contend with questions of cognitive integration - how do we ensure that artificial enhancements work in harmony with natural cognitive processes rather than creating conflicting or parallel systems of thought? The brain's holistic nature means that any enhancement must seamlessly integrate with existing neural architectures.
  • The long-term stability of such enhancements presents another dimension of complexity. How might these interfaces adapt to the brain's natural aging processes? What mechanisms might ensure consistent performance across decades of use while accommodating the brain's natural plasticity?

The development of adaptive neural interfaces that learn from their biological counterparts, gradually refining their ability to interpret and complement natural cognitive processes still looks promising with the rise of AI. By establishing a symbiotic relationship between artificial and biological intelligence, we could potentially cultivate forms of understanding that transcend current human limitations while preserving authentic agency.

Advanced machine learning could accelerate the refinement of BCI signal processing, enabling more sophisticated interpretation of neural patterns and more naturalistic feedback mechanisms without the need for surgical implantation of electrodes directly into the brain tissue or outer brain layer. A non-invasive approach would be able to have increased signal quality with a lower risk than surgery requires. This might allow for seamless integration between biological thought processes and artificial computational capabilities.

The real promise lies in creating systems that enhance rather than replace human cognition. The goal would be to develop interfaces that act as cognitive amplifiers - augmenting our natural capabilities while maintaining the essential characteristics that make us human. This raises profound questions about the nature of consciousness and identity: How do we ensure that enhanced intelligence remains authentically human rather than becoming a mere extension of artificial systems? Can we just ask the AI?

From a technical perspective, AI could assist in developing more sophisticated neural mapping techniques, allowing for a better understanding of individual brain architecture and more personalized interface designs. However, this must be balanced against the fundamental imperative to preserve human autonomy and authentic development. Hopefully, the humans in question would still retain the ability to avoid the leap to superintelligence until we had thought everything through in terms of alignment. The details and risks of this are still murky, but BCIs combined with state-of-the-art AI reflect my current prediction for making us into super genius Buddhas.

What Can We Do in the Meantime?

There are a number of strategies available to us today for cognitive enhancement and moral maturation, some that work better than others. The foundations of health are popularly thought to be quality and adequate sleep, either anaerobic or aerobic exercise, and a good diet.

Beyond the foundations are all kinds of therapies and practices to reach our goals, albeit in a relatively limited fashion. Numerous studies show the wide-ranging benefits of meditation, both for cognitive enhancement and more mindful morals, including increased attention, emotional regulation, and cognitive flexibility. Neurofeedback complements meditation, showing a variety of methods for not only healing mental health but also achieving peak performance (specifically Douglas Dailey's Live Complexity Training protocol). I wrote a book on how to do neurofeedback at home which can be found on Amazon here.

Increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can be a powerful cognitive enhancer, showing robust effects on neuroplasticity and memory formation, essentially growing new neurons. Methods for increasing BDNF include but are not limited to:

  • High-temperature sauna
  • Stimulating environments
  • Social interaction
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Good sleep
  • Intermittent fasting and fasting
  • 150 minutes of exercise per week
  • Yoga
  • Sugar avoidance
  • Processed food avoidance
  • Alcohol and general toxin avoidance
  • Stress avoidance

More experimental approaches include intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets, which may enhance neural resilience and cognitive performance through metabolic adaptation, however, there are now many studies to support both of these approaches.

Studying ethics is an obvious route to moral maturation, although there are many disagreements about what is morally just. A good primer on ethics can be found here. Structured ethical reasoning training, particularly through exposure to diverse moral frameworks and careful analysis of ethical dilemmas, can enhance moral cognition. Empathy cultivation through perspective-taking exercises and exposure to diverse narratives and experiences appears to strengthen moral awareness. Contemplative practices specifically focused on compassion and ethical consideration show promise in developing moral sensitivity. Loving-kindness meditation is one example of this.

Nootropics, smart drugs, or designer drugs and supplements can have profound effects in the right dosage, kind, and person. I'll cover this topic more comprehensively in my next post, outlining more and lesser-known drugs and supplements for cognitive enhancement and aids in moral maturation.